Buyer Persona for She Writes Press – Aura the Author

She Writes Press

Creating a Buyer Persona for She Writes Press

Buyer Persona – Understanding Your Target Audience

Have you ever wondered how to really hone in on finding who the people are that are interested in your product or service?  Have you heard of creating a Buyer Persona?  Do you know wat a Buyer Persona is and why they can help you with your marketing?

Well I’m going to tell you right now.  The Buyer Persona for any company is the fictional, typical, representation of your ideal customer. I know.  This sounds weird, but it is a great tool for everyone who has a digital presence.

Click here to find out more about how to create a buyer persona from HubSpot

Click here to create your own Buyer Persona online on HubSpot

Read on for an example of creating a Buyer Persona for an actual company, understanding your target audience, and finding keywords and phrases to find that person.

The Buyer Persona for She Writes Press

The Buyer Persona for She Writes Press (SWP) is a woman writer who is looking to publish her book(s) using a hybrid publisher.  She Writes Press is a unique publishing company based in Berkeley, California.  It is a woman owned business.  They publish books by women only.  They have a built-in community of women readers and writers.

She Writes Press offers an alternative to traditional and online publishing marketing to female authors.  Writers can pick how much work and money they want to invest in the publication of their work. They services allow the author to retain the rights to their books and higher earnings.

Aura the Author is a typical buyer persona for She Writes Press




Aura the Author is a writer.  She has something she wants to share with the world and has decided to write her memoir.  She does not want to self-publish nor does she want to publish with a traditional publisher.  Her preference is to keep the rights to her books and keep more of the royalties.

Title :  Author

Organization Size : Aura is the only employee.

Industry : Publishing


 Favorite Blogs / Publications :  Writing magazines and memoirs.  Blogs about writing and publishing trends are also important.

Social Networks / Associations  : National Association of Memoir Writers (NAMW), Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn are the most important


 Reports To :  Her Publisher

Team :  Herself

Responsibilities :  Aura the Author must be consistent in her writing which includes ti-me, quantity and quality.  She also blogs on her website to attract an audience for her work.

Job Measurement :  Number of books published and sold

Tools :  Word Processor, Email, Website


Time is the biggest challenge.  Competition from other authors, deciding to self-publish, traditional publish or hybrid publishing.  She must also hire hire an agent if she is not self-publishing, an editor and publisher


To write and publish her book within a year.


How they like to be reached: She prefers to use email and secondarily the phone

Do they research vendors online? Yes

This buyer persona was created using Click her to create your own Buyer Persona on HubSpot

She Writes Press Target Audience

The target audience for She Writes Press is very straightforward.  They only accept projects from women – never from men.  Only manuscripts that they believe are well-written according to their standards are accepted.  The author is then guided to one of three tracks, depending on the assessment of the SWP staff.

Customer Journey

SWP targets their customers through on-site conferences, membership in memoir sites, and online courses that staff members offer.  Potentially, they can also target women memoir writers in specific Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, LinkedIn articles, and potentially websites that offer memoir content.

Keyword Research

Keyword research for SWP is relatively easy.  If we consider the keywords for the buyer personas as Hybrid Publishing for Women Memoirs using the rating system of the four aspects of Relevance, Specificity, Popularity and Competitiveness we get:

Relevance = 4

Specificity = 5

Popularity = 2

Competitiveness = 3

We get 4 * 5 * 2 * 3 = 120

Search queries for She Writes Press would be writes and she writes according to SEMrush Competitive Data

More information about She Writes Press can be found here.